
The keys to successful animal feeding are:
keeping the herd fed healthily and maximizing/optimizing
and maximize/optimize dry matter intake.

This requires using high quality forages, maintaining an adequate level of Effective Fiber and minimizing ration grading.
Organoleptic characteristics of alfalfa.
Alfalfa is an exceptional feed for dairy cattle because of its:
  • High protein content (no animal meal).
  • Feed with high fiber content and excellent digestible efficiency.
  • Other important nutritional values: Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Potassium, Calcium, Boron, Sulfur, Molybdenum, Magnesium.
  • Good palatability.

Intake Capacity of the Milk Producing Herd

The highest milk production is achieved with 50% of the total ration intake with roughage. Alfalfa is the forage that supplies the highest amount of Fibrous Feed with advantages such as:
  • Buffer effect (pH = 6.2 to 6.5)
  • Supplies Calcium and Potassium.
  • Saves Added Minerals.
  • High content of vitamins (A, D and E).
  • High Protein percentage (60% degradable, 40% by-pass)
  • Range from 35% to 70% of Carotene Xanthophyll.
  • Advantages of Dehydrated Alfalfa over Alfalfa in stems:
  • Less loss of nutritional values (leaves, proteins, vitamins)
  • Microbial contamination is reduced.
  • Good Protein to Energy ratio.
  • Low and homogeneous humidity avoiding aerobic fermentation.

Nutritional characteristics of alfalfa

Below we offer a PDF for download with technical data about the nutritional advantages of Alfalfa, you can download it here.