Forrajes San Agustín has started up a new pellet mill in Almuniente.
The activity began last August and is currently in the initial start-up phase. By the end of November, it is expected to be working at full capacity.
The facility is designed to produce 60,000 tons per year of different products such as straw pellets, fodder pellets and alfalfa pellets. For them, FORSA has increased its workforce by 8 people in order to be able to dedicate them exclusively to this new line of business.
The work process is as follows:
The line is fed with prepared raw material through the trommel feed table or directly to the grinder. The merchandise goes to a 540 hp mill that transforms it into flour. It then passes through a bag filter before passing through the buffer silo. The flour arrives at the mixing tank to prepare the product for pelletizing through two pelletizing machines. The pellets leave with a diameter of 6 mm or 8 mm to the cooler where they are lowered to the right temperature to be sent to the metal silos or to the warehouse for subsequent loading into bulk containers or trucks.
At present, FORSA is collaborating to load a 46,000 tn ship that will leave next week for Saudi Arabia. Work is also underway right now with a view to the domestic market and even China.

The investment made to start up the new project amounted to €2,500,000. This new line is intended to complete the portfolio of products for its customers and at the same time give its suppliers/farmers the opportunity to supply all types of fibrous products with different qualities.
So far, its natural supply area is the region of Monegros and Hoya de Huesca, but due to the significant increase in raw material, it is planned to expand the area of influence and even supply outside the autonomous community of Aragon.